Ear Wiggler

Have you ever seen a hippo wiggle its ears? There’s a lot going on there – clearing water, sending a warning, keeping bugs away and allowing it to hear while still submerged. Well, there’s a lot going on with IPA too. The hop combination will give you a lot of tropical fruit aroma, a hazy gold hue and a velvet mouthfeel with a touch of sweetness. All of this followed closely by a rush of pineapple, guava, and stone fruit from the hops, rounded out with a slight pine bitterness.






7 srm


El Dorado, Mosaic, Simcoe


Pilsen, Wheat, Oats


American IPA


Year Round

Have you ever seen a hippo wiggle its ears? There’s a lot going on there – clearing water, sending a warning, keeping bugs away and allowing it to hear while still submerged. Well, there’s a lot going on with IPA too. The hop combination will give you a lot of tropical fruit aroma, a hazy gold hue and a velvet mouthfeel with a touch of sweetness. All of this followed closely by a rush of pineapple, guava, and stone fruit from the hops, rounded out with a slight pine bitterness.